Friday, April 1, 2016

ULTIMATE PRANK: Haaa! I dn't know it was April fool

Would I have disowned my only son because he bashed my car? April fools cold really reveal our frivolities. I have just recovered from the shock that  my name wasn’t on the redundancy list released at work the previous day; my family and I had really prayed that my job is retained, because I couldn’t stand the shame of being relieved of my official 2015 Lamborghini Aventador car and $million mansion.

I was surprised Elton has sneaked out with my car key this morning; I have been quite lenient with him these days as he nears his 18th birthday. This morning was totally different. I was impatient to wait for him as my temper had passed its threshold. I almost passed on to convulsion contemplating the things I was going to tell him regarding this particular car that he had driven out in.

He finally came back on pranked bruises, pretending he had an accident with my Lamborghini. I didn’t cared he died, because at that moment I only cared that my car was intact. The only words I could utter at that moment were, “ In fact Elton, I have removed you on my will”, “ You are disowned if you don’t drive that car back here intact as you drove it out”…

Elton didn’t wait for me to drop dead before he could realize that he was already planning for my burial. He prostrated like the biblical prodigal son and confessed it was April fool's prank, but he imagined how I could have disown him for a mere car. I was really ashamed of myself and felt I should apologize to him. It was quite a good lesson I should watch my utterances. Wisdom is only in the mouth.

1 comment:

  1. Elton didn’t wait for me to drop dead before he could realize that he was already planning for my burial. He prostrated like the biblical prodigal son and confessed it was April fools prank, but he imagined how I could have disown him for a mere car. I was really ashamed of myself and felt I should apologize to him. It was quite a good lesson I should watch my utterances. Wisdom is only in the mouth.


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