Friday, April 29, 2016

KENNETH OBASI: I Work For The BiG Brand

I have been teased of promising jobs while I have no job myself; how true is it that one cannot give what one does not have? My dream has always been to be an employer of labour. For one to be an employer of labour, you must at least have a good level of job experience, however small.

My annual leave started this week, and I just wanted to start it by sharing my little experiences with you. It is factual that dignity resides in work and the reward for a good job is "work is work". I have spent two weeks preparing my annual leave hand over note, which I submitted before I was granted the permission to resume my leave.

Do not get things twisted; I have not promised anyone a job, but a provisional job opportunity for anyone who understands that there is dignity in doing something creative, out of nothing by the work of one's handy work. I have volunteered to promote dignity in hard work - AKAOLU.COM

Do not expect to be employed when you seat at home all day complaining that there is no job. Going about in search for job is on its own a job. While you go about in search for job, you have to know that there are secret powers of potentials in you yet to be harnessed, that would make you stand out among your folks. How true is it that anyone who masters ones skills could work with kings?

I work for a big brand in the area of quality safety equipment. We promote and provide safety solutions for virtually every sector of the economy on the course for production and distribution of goods and services. Over the years, we have provided the best quality services for oil and gas industries in the area of personal protective equipment (PPE) and have maintained same standard in every sector that our ingenuity has taken us into. Our success over time has kept us in the industry through thick and thin of dwindling oil price that has affected every facet of human endeavor.

One of the secrets of this success is what I want to share with you my fans and prospective job seekers - Overcoming your greatest fears. You know yourself better than anyone else, like Mr.Ken knows Kenneth Obasi.

Fear is just 'false evidence appearing real' (F-E-A-R) to your subconscious mind - left for you to accept it or overcome it; the choice is yours. The truth is that you cannot overcome what overwhelms you, and that is where confidence and determination come in. " It is appointed unto man once to die, and after death comes judgement". Pardon me, I must have misinterpreted that portion of the scripture in its original context, but what I am trying to say here is to face one's problems and find a lasting solution to it.

You have to strategize and re-strategize means of working out your problems by thinking "out-of-the-box" as my boss would always say. Stick to your game and don't run away because you feel you are losing out. Mind you, the game is not over until the final whistle blows. Keep searching for that job are looking for while doing what you know how to do better. Apply for provisional job employments and volunteer to work for free if you can. Who knows, you might be the next man for the job.

1 comment:

  1. You have to strategize and re-strategize means of working out your problems by thinking "out-of-the-box" as my boss would always say. Stick to your game and don't run away because you feel you are losing out. Mind you, the game is not over until the final whistle blows. Keep searching for that job you are looking for while doing what you know how to do better. Apply for provisional job employments and volunteer to work for free if you can. Who knows, you might be the next man for the job.


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